Taylor Bamgbose

Taylor Bamgbose is a self-taught visual artist based in Indianapolis, IN.  Also a certified life coach, she works at the intersection of art and mental health. Her vibrant figurative paintings take the audience on a journey of guided self-reflection, inviting the viewer to explore how their thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors are working under the surface to shape their lived experience.In the four years she’s been working as an artist, she has completed three major bodies of work; Verses, a poetry-inspired collection; State of Mind, which explores the nuances of everyday emotions; and Deal With It, which tackles how we cope with big emotions, for better or worse.Taylor's work has won several awards, including "Best of Show'' at two juried competitions. In 2022, she was awarded the Robert D. Beckmann, Jr. Emerging Artist Fellowship through the Indianapolis Arts Council. She was also selected for the Hoosier Women Artists Program, an initiative of the Indiana Arts Commission. Her work has been displayed in the Indiana Statehouse and in vinyl murals throughout the city of Indianapolis, as well as featured in several art publications, including Create! Magazine, I Like Your Work’s Spring Exhibition Catalog, Suboart Magazine, New Visionary Magazine, and Arts to Hearts Magazine.

As an artist, writer, and coach, my work is unified by one thing—a passion for shining a spotlight on the inner world of our thoughts and emotions.Many of us tend to go through our lives focused on the external. We deal with what we see in front of us—navigating people, circumstances, challenges and opportunities in an attempt to find success, contentment, respect, or whatever we value.But eventually we begin to bump up against invisible barriers. We notice patterns of tension or conflict in our relationships. We want more but we’re held back by anxieties and self-sabotage. We get what we want but find that it doesn’t deliver the fulfillment we hoped for. We follow a script written for us by family, friends, or society and realize we don’t recognize ourselves anymore.These moments are an invitation to explore the hidden world buried within—the world full of unconscious beliefs, suppressed emotion, unexplored truth. The world teeming with learned patterns, unmet needs, and a deeply-entrenched terror of never being “enough.”It’s scary to open the door to this world and to see the shadows inside. But it’s the place most in need of healing. When we face our feelings and give language to our unconscious thoughts, we begin to illuminate the pathway to a more peaceful, grounded, and flourishing life.My hope is that my work creates greater awareness of the thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns that limit and liberate us, and empowers the viewer to experience their life more mindfully.

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