Joyce Wynes

As a mixed media, abstract painter living in Davidson, NC, Wynes’s bold, colorful, abstract paintings instill a delightful spirit to the viewer while encouraging and empowering them to follow their inner voice.Graduating Magna Cum Laude from Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, she was awarded The Gertrude Ford Award, recognizing one student for excellence in art at graduation.And her painting hangs in their permanent collection.Women in Art,Where Are They? took 1st place in a 13 county, juried art exhibit at the Cayuga Museum of History and Art in Auburn, NY.The Arts and Science Council (ASC) just awarded her a 3rd grant for 2023 for admission into a collective program.Her paintings were chosen in 20 national, juried online exhibitions and 2 international juried exhibits in 2022. And 8 national exhibitions in the 1st quarter of 2023.3 Square Art, Fort Collins, CO awarded Wynes, honorable mention in100 Square Inches of Art Juried Exhibition for the painting,Weather System Upon featured 5 of Wynes’s paintings in their emails.Women’s Caucus of Art chose Wynes’s paintings appear for their publications 5 times between 2014 and 2021. In 2021, her painting, Stretch the Boundaries, was chosen for the national juried publication,Wild Lands.Charlotte Business Journal’s annual “Book of Lists 2013” competition chose her painting for their cover. Wynes’s banner design, was chosen by the Town of Davidson in their juried Banner Project, to hang on a flagpole on Main Street, Davidson through 2022.She has had solo exhibitions in Charlotte, Raleigh, Davidson, NC; and Charleston, SC. And has appeared in many national, juried group shows.Mint Museum Uptown, Charlotte, NC and Creative Loafing Magazine’s competition, saw her collage created from pages of that publication, hung at the Mint Museum during the Romare Bearden exhibition.

My love of shapes, patterns, mark-making, textures, collage and bold colors as a painter has a start to its history as a little nine-year old girl stares at her Mom sewing on an old, pedal Singer Sewing Machine.Being captivated by the process, I begged her to make something too. So my Mom sat me down and taught me how to sew. By the time I was a teen I was making most of my own clothing.Throughout those years, using printed fabric and the pinned, geometric sections to cut out the shapes to make my clothing, I found that it defined my identity, my art style, and talent, as well as, a colorful way to express myself for years to come.During my college years, I transferred all of the knowledge that was gained from my earlier fabric exploits and experiments in my youth into my passion for painting using and experimenting with acrylic and mixed media on canvas.I have different categories of paintings but all are created in my abstract style. Figurative, because I am very interested in gender equality issues, Hands, Floral and non-representational.My colorful paintings instill a delightful spirit to the viewer while encouraging and empowering them to follow their inner voice. And they tap into the personal growth aspect that we experience to our emotional and philosophical concerns derived from the issues we face today as a society.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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