Henni Pfeiffer

Henni Pfeiffer is a self-taught German visual artist who was born in Romania and currently lives and works in Germany. Her educational background is in entrepreneurship having studied at business school Alpenland in Bad Aibling and she now works as a Chief Financial Officer for a wholesale textile company. Yet, a love of art has accompanied her all of her life, encouraged and nurtured by the creative parents. In her late twenties, she decided to follow the strong calling to paint and pursue her dream of becoming a full-time artist.

Henni Pfeiffer primarily works in gouache and oil, aiming to uncover the hidden beauty in simple things. Her art has most recently been featured by The Purposeful Mayo blog and exhibited in the online show “Inner Power” hosted by The Art Queens, published in The Purposeful Mayo Journal Issue 1 and published in the Beyond Words Magazine Issue 22.

In my latest works, I explore the expressions of our human emotional sensations. We all have a tendency to hide our fears and flaws, but our mannerisms and body language often expose the truth about how we are feeling. I focus on this as a subject to convey emotion in my paintings. We grew up in a society where it's not always welcome to show your true emotions. Whether it's because of pride or it's seen as a kind of weakness, we learn to put on a mask. My artworks speak through strong contrasts, heavy shading, warm tones, and expressive faces, which I progressively build during the process of painting.

This series of works was created with oil on canvas or panel, where I used a limited palette. The minimalist effect gives me a sense of calmness as I create that is then also infused in the work. I utilize loose brush strokes and work in thin layers to retain the impact of their gestures and textures. I also use various surfaces like wood panels or canvas and more recently have also begun experimenting intuitively with resin.

When I reach the point where I'm afraid that any further brushstroke could mess up my vision for the composition, I put my brush aside, step back, and leave it for a day or two. Often the piece is done, but sometimes it calls me back to go on.

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