Denice Taylor Rinks

I was born, Michele Denice Taylor, in San Francisco, CA. I’ve lived in many states across the U.S. growing up. I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting with a minor in photography, as a non-traditional student. I attended college straight out of high school for 3 years, took a break to find myself, find my mate and have my son. When my son was old enough to start school, I returned to the University to finish my degree. While I was finding myself, I worked as a graphic designer for a corporate ad agency and later left to become a freelance artist that has lasted for a total of 25 years. During this time, I formed my own business, Aesthetical Climate Studio®, which continues today.

I have been fortunate enough to sell most of my work both in the U.S. and internationally. I continue to participate in exhibits and charitable events throughout each year. I accept commissions as time permits. I'm always looking for ways to create work that will make a difference in some way and inspire others.

Denice is a multidisciplinary artist working with mixed media in painting, sculpture, photography, digital art and graphic design. Her artwork is created to bring awareness to the needs of humanity with subject matter pertaining to human rights, inclusivity and equality among other issues.

“My work focuses on the spirit within our mind and body. How we feel about life and experience emotions. Each series focuses on a time period and expresses the wisdom gained from it. I use color, composition, and mixed media to portray subject matter. Most of my work is a combination of styles based on modern contemporary abstract with a visionary representation. This means I put a lot of color on the canvas randomly and then I step back and see things in the paint to pull out. I see faces with stories or objects with meaning just waiting there for me to fill in the blanks so that you can see what I see. Sometimes the piece just remains abstract. The color and brushwork is enough to tell the story. I also write my interpretation of each piece as narratives to give you the general idea. It’s so amazing to me to hear what others see within the paintings!

My studio, Aesthetical Climate Studio®, is creating an environment for creative expression and learning by sharing in order to have understanding and acceptance. As an artist, I hope to bring a feeling of inspiration based on my life experiences. My artwork hopefully encourages you to take action and teaches or inspires change and value. As a human being, I want to give voices to those who are quieted by fear, environment or by force. My art is created to improve or enhance the lives of all others from around the world.”

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